Wednesday, June 8, 2011

EveryDNS to FreeDNS Afraid

This morning I received an email from EveryDNS (current DNS Host) regarding request to shift their server to a new host which is Dyn. For the past few days, I have the trouble in logging to my blog. I always receive the DNS error page.

A check in the EveryDNS website shown that 84 days left for all its members to shift to a new host. 

So, I had to shift to a new DNS host. However I found it complicated to host under Dyn, hence I need to find a new host. As I was looking for a new host, it would take several hours to effectively change to a new host. I found this free DNS host which is FreeDNS Afraid. It is very easy to setup for the DNS compare to Dyn.

As I am using a free domain, Uni.CC, so I have to change its Nameserver #1 and #2 to a new host : and

After that, login to the FreeDNS Afraid and click "Manage" and click on your domain. Select the Type A, Subdomain to www and the destination to or (which is for blogger)

In the beginning, there would be a broken domain, just ignore it, wait for several hours and click on the "Check for Broken Domains" then it would be successfully port to this new host.

After that wait for several hours, then a new DNS host would be setup and ready to use.