Do you still remember the controversial official email account for each Malaysian adult suggested by our Prime Minister in the mid of April this year?
Here is the news from The Star Online to remind you back on the news. It was a controversial as it was a considered as a waste on public fund although reports claimed the investment came from the Tricubes Bhd solely without any public fund. However, further reports shown each mail send to the users of myemail, Tricubes Bhd would charge the government agencies RM 0.50. Hence, it will be considered as a waste of public fund as well. Consider if I get an email through the myemail daily, which it means RM 0.50 would bill to government agencies daily. If 10 million Malaysians subscribe to this myemail, hence, Tricubes Bhd would bill RM 5 million in total to government agencies daily. Wow!
By the way, myemail is available for sign-up although it is still in beta stage.
A quick glance at the myemail page reveals a couple of new additions such as a shortcut to E-Services, a tab for Marketplace and a tamtam CRM.
A check on the registration page, it shows large fonts which is good for golden generation. It required several information such as Full Name (exactly from MyKad), MyKad Number, myemail id & password, additional security settings and alternative email address.
The is encrypted with 128-bit encryption and uses TLS 1.0. Verified by Digisign Server ID. Which is considered as highly encrypted similarly to online banking sites.
I don't like the limited choices of myemail id which are based on my Full Name and are dotted for a space in between my name.