Saturday, March 20, 2010

Course Registration for Semester 10/11 (A101)

Yesterday, I received a private message inside my facebook regarding the latest date of course registration for Semester 10/11 (A101)..

I checked inside the UUM student portal and the news was found inside the Announcement (Hebahan)..

There were two announcement inside there, first was students with the outstanding schools fees would not be allowed to sit for final examination.. I think this announcement was made due to the low response from students to pay the current bus fee which is RM 60 for this semester.. 

Second announcement was the course registration is scheduled to begin on 23rd March until 8th April 2010.. The next semester class timetable would be released on 22nd March 

Major change in this semester course registration compared to last semester was the time to start register courses had been changed from midnight to 8 am.. This was not a wise decision as at 8 am, there would be a lot of people accessing the UUM portal, hence crowding the site and lagging the course registration process.. Furthermore, the dates chosen are during class time and convocation week..

Then, I have to go out early in the morning, to get ready for the course registration.. and the most popular spots among students for registration were lecture halls..